Please fill out the form completely to register your child.
The following enrollment application and all forms must be read, properly signed and delivered to Youth Empowered for enrollment in our 2022 STEAMcation SUMMER CAMP.
It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.
Enrollment Packet
Your child WILL NOT be enrolled until all of the above forms are completed and turned in and all applicable fees have been paid in full.
Cost: A NON-REFUNDABLE Registration Fee: $35 per child plus a $10 per child Summer Camp shirt fee paid in our office at time of registration.
Weekly tuition fee $65 per child (field trips are covered with this fee; parent may send additional money with child, however Youth Empowered is not liable for any lost money.) Weekly Tuition payments can be made via our website by pressing the Summer Camp Payment Button.
Thank you for your support!